Building a LEGO Online Casino from Scratch

building a lego casino

There is almost no limit to what you can do with LEGO if you allow your imagination to run wild. With a bit of creativity, you can use LEGO sets to recreate almost anything you can think of. And, if you’re a fan of gambling, the idea of recreating an online casino experience may have crossed your mind once or twice.

This is a bit different from building a traditional casino, though, as online casinos are mostly virtual, so you don’t have as much to work with. But, the bigger the challenge, the greater the satisfaction that comes with completing it.

The first thing to remember is that this should be a fun project and not something to stress over. You’re building your own online casino, so there are no specific rules as to what you can or can’t do. Use your experience as an inspiration, but don’t worry too much about making an exact copy.

Building the LEGO Website

The biggest challenge is making the actual casino website, as this is traditionally a two-dimensional surface. The best way to tackle it is by using LEGO bricks on a flat surface and creating a user interface with slots and other games.

Those who gamble in online casino for real money will have a good idea of what this interface looks like. It’s usually quite colorful, so you can really let your imagination do the work. Make a frame around each box that will represent a slot, and then fill it with bricks of different colors.

If you’re a proper LEGO master, you can create different shapes within these frames, such as cars, trees, different animals, or anything else that comes to mind. These can be representations of your favorite slots’ themes.

At first, it may seem like it won’t turn out the way you want it to, but don’t give up. Continue doing the work until you’re finished. Only then you should get up and give your LEGO casino a look from a bit of a distance. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the results.

The Live Dealer Section

These days, there are almost no online casinos without a live dealer section, so these should be included in your replica as well. Since they feature real people and actual gaming tables, these won’t be nearly as challenging to make.

You can start by building the tables themselves, and you can build as many as you like. For card games, like blackjack and baccarat, you can use a traditional rectangular pattern. For roulette tables, you’re probably better off with squares.

Once the tables are ready, you need to populate them with “cards” and “chips.” For this, you can use smaller red and black bricks (to represent cards) and green bricks for the chips. If you feel really inspired, you can even make roulette wheels using these smaller bricks, although this is bound to take you some time.

Finally, when all the tables are ready, you can set them up behind the website part that you built earlier and place the figurines behind them to represent the dealers.

There you have it – your very own online LEGO casino in all its greatness!